Yoga Teachers – Standards and Forms
This section provides details on the requirements to be met by Yoga Teachers for Certification in levels of 200 and 500 hours, in order to ensure that all graduates meet our high standards of education. Contact hours are those received by the student with the physical presence of a teacher. Non contact or hours of independent study should include: assigned reading or other homework, study groups unsupervised, observing yoga classes, etc. The total hours given below are the minimum requirements.
Guide on how to choose the Level of Certification-
- 100 Hour Foundation Course – Life-time (For those who have completed a 100 Hour Foundation Course or equivalent Basic training in Yoga – earning credits towards other courses)
- 200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher – Life-time (For those who have completed a 200 Hour or equivalent training – Certifies you to Conduct Classes and Workshops)
- 300 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher – Life-time (For those who have completed a 300 Hour or 100 Hour + 200 Hour or equivalent training – Certifies you to Conduct 100 Hour Foundation Course, Classes and Workshops)
- 500 Hour Certified Yoga Master – Life-time (For those who have completed a 500 Hour or 200 Hour + 300 Hour or equivalent training – Certifies you to Train 100, 200 and 300 Hour Teachers and Conduct Classes and Workshops)
- Grand Master Yoga – Life-time (Special Title for Experienced Teachers with several years of experience, leaders of organizations or persons who have made an exceptional contribution in Yoga – Certifies you to Train and Certify 100, 200, 500 Hour Teachers and Conduct Classes and Workshops)
- Others – Please mention the level of certification required
• 200 – level program YTTC
Techniques (total of 130 hours with 90 hours of contact). Training techniques and practice: asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, ekagrata, Pratihara, dharana, samadhi, Samyama, sama, vyayamas exercises or yoga, mantras and meditation singer.
Teaching Methodology (total of 20 hours to 15 hours contact) . Principles of demonstration, observation, support / correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities / skills of a teacher and student learning methodology.
Anatomy and Physiology (total of 10 hours, 5 contact hours) . Physical Anatomy, Physiology and subtle anatomy. Practical Teaching (total 20 hours with 10 contact hours). Student teaching and observing and assisting in classes taught by others. Times must be a combination of supervised and unsupervised hours.
Tasks (a total of 20 hours Non) . Includes personal practice of yoga techniques specified, presentations and assigned specific tests.
• 500 – Program Level YTTC
Techniques (total of 220 hours to 200 hours of contact) . Training techniques and practices: asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, ekagrata, pratyahara, dharana, samadhi, Samyama, sama, vyayamas exercises or yoga, chanting of mantras and meditation.
Teaching methodology (a total of 45 hours with 35 hours of contact) . Principles of demonstration, observation, support / correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities / skills of a teacher and the student learning process.
Anatomy and Physiology (total of 50 hours with 20 contact hours) . Physical Anatomy, Physiology and subtle anatomy.
Psychology of Yoga (a total of 50 hours with 25 hours of contact) . Psychology (Chitta, Manas, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Alayavjnana, Smriti, samskaras, vasanas, Koshas and chakras, marmas, nadis, etc.)
Philosophy / Ethics / Lifestyle (total of 75 hours with 30 contact hours) Study Text Classic Yoga (Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc) , ethics for yoga teacher and development of a healthy yogic lifestyle.
Teaching Practice (total 60 hours with 20 contact hours) . Student teaching practice and observation and assistance in practical classes taught by teacher educators.
This code of conduct is the statement of ethical and professional behavior, which certified yoga teachers undertake to respect and comply in full.
• Recognize the limitations of my skills and scope of practice and, where appropriate, refer students with a specialized monitor.
• Respect the privacy and personal rights of all students, regardless of age, handicap, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion.
• Avoid words and actions that can be considered sexual harassment.
• Follow the traditional yoga principles as explained through the Yamas and Niyamas.
• Maintaining a safe, comfortable and clean space for the practice of yoga.
• Follow all local and national laws that apply to teaching yoga and business.
Payments to YAI India are made through Yoga Alliance Africa – exchange rates are calculated on the day of payment.
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