About Us

Welcome to Yoga Alliance International Africa®, a Division of Yoga Alliance International. YAI is an organisation devoted to nurturing authentic Yoga traditions throughout the world.

Yoga Alliance International Africa ®, in addition to offering a banner under which Yoga Centres and Yoga teachers throughout the African continent can work together, also offers professional, certified Yoga Teachers Training Courses.

YAI is a renowned international organisation, recognised and registered with the government of India, founded by Sri Swami Vidyanand that seeks to promote and create minimum standards for yoga teachers and schools.

At the moment more than 80 directors (YAI Ambassadors) and regional/continental representatives of the Alliance operate in various countries throughout the world.

We provide ongoing support for education in yoga and promote mutual respect, sensitivity and support of different styles and traditions of yoga.

Certificates issued by the Alliance are recognised worldwide.

Accredited Schools

Aerial Yoga®
Anahata Teacher Training
Blissful Kids
Casey Chiang Yoga
Cathy Lee Yoga
Go With The Flow
Karen Ingman School
Kulua Yoga Space
Living Yoga


Meraki Yoga Studio
Mindful Minis – South Africa
Pure Peace Yoga
Sacred Spiral Yoga
Shakti Yoga® Teaching Academy and Therapy Centre
The Source Cape Town
Theresa Moodie
Transformational Yoga South Africa

Meditation Alliance International

Our Mission

  • Create a global network of people and groups related to Yoga, regardless of affiliation or tradition.
  • Provide a platform for continued support for an international community of yoga instructors.
  • Promote high standards formations and promote research and innovation, by applying yoga techniques in all areas of modern society.

Standards for Children’s Teacher Training

YAI Registration Categories for Children’s Teacher Training
The following are Yoga Alliance International’s Standards and Guidelines for a Registered Yoga School that offers a Children’s Yoga training.

  1. Topics for kids teaching teacher trainings must be relevant to Yoga Alliance International’s five Educational Categories as defined below.
  2. Additionally, YAI’s suggested curriculum includes Requirements related to ‘General Background Information of Child Development’.
  3. Each section is allocation a certain number of hours, however upon application the overall length and content of the course will be taken into consideration when determining the relevant level designation (100, 200 or 300).

Schools – Benefits of certification

  • Be recognised nationally and internationally as a certified school who has met with high quality standards.
  • Reassure your employers and students that they are receiving instruction from a well-qualified yoga teacher who meets our high training standards.
  • You are able to use YAI certified after your name, the YAI logo in promotions and on your website to optimize your credibility as a certified school.
  • Be recognised nationally and internationally as a certified school who has met with high quality standards.
  • Reassure your employers and students that they are receiving instruction from a well-qualified yoga teacher who meets our high training standards.
  • You are able to use YAI certified after your name, the YAI logo in promotions and on your website to optimize your credibility as a certified school.

Teachers – Benefits of certification

  • Be recognised nationally and internationally as a professional yoga teacher who has met with high quality standards.
  • Reassure your employers and students that they are receiving instruction from a well-qualified yoga teacher who meets our high training standards.
  • You are able to use YAI certified after your name, the YAI logo in promotions and on your website to optimize your credibility as a professional Yoga teacher.

YAI News

Yoga Alliance International® is pleased to announce the publication of the court ruling in its favor, No. 7927/2024, on September 10, 2024.

  • Judgment No. 7927/2024 published on 10.09.2024

    The Court of Milan – Specialized Business Section, sitting as a panel, definitively ruling on the claims brought by Vidyanand Swami, in his own name and in his capacity as legal representative of the trust and of the association under Indian law Yoga Alliance International against Yoga Alliance Pty Ltd, all other requests and objections being disregarded or absorbed, has ruled as follows:
    a) having ascertained that Vidyanand Swami personally owns the trademarks “YOGA ALLIANCE” no. 302014902283588 and “YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL YAI” no. 302016000120354, orders the transfer of the ownership of the same to Vidyanand Swami himself pursuant to art. 118 par. 3 lett. a) c.p.i;
    b) prohibits the defendant from using the trademarks “YOGA ALLIANCE” and YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL YAI yoga India, as identified above, directly or indirectly, in any form or manner, as well as the production, import and export, marketing, distribution, commercial promotion, advertising and any other activity concerning said trademarks in violation of the plaintiff’s rights
    c) fixes the penalty of € 1,000.00 for each day of delay in the execution of the judgement
    (d) orders the publication of the operative part of the judgment, by the plaintiffs and at the defendant”s expense, for 30 days, in English and in Italian, in bold and in double the normal font, within 30 days from the publication of the judgment on the home page of the following websites
    https://www.facebook.com/yogaallianceaustralia https://www.yogaallianceinternationalregistry.com
    e) orders Yoga Alliance Pty Ltd to pay the costs of the proceedings to the applicants, assessed at € 1,063.00 for disbursements and a total of € 14,000.00 for fees, plus 15% as a lump sum reimbursement, and legal costs
    f) orders the clerk of the court to communicate this order to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office. Thus decided in Milan, on 18 January 2024
    Yoga Alliance International® è lieta di annunciare la pubblicazione della sentenza a suo favore, n. 7927/2024, in data 10 settembre 2024

  • Sentenza n. 7927/2024 pubblicata il 10.09.2024

    Il Tribunale di Milano – Sezione specializzata impresa, in composizione collegiale, definitivamente pronunciando sulle domande proposte da Vidyanand Swami, in proprio e nella sua qualità di rappresentante legale del trust e dell’associazione di diritto indiano Yoga Alliance International nei confronti di Yoga Alliance Pty Ltd, ogni altra istanza ed eccezione disattesa o assorbita, così provvede:
    a) accertata la titolarità in capo a Vidyanand Swami personalmente dei marchi “YOGA ALLIANCE” n. 302014902283588 e “YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL YAI” n. 302016000120354, dispone il trasferimento della titolarità dei medesimi allo stesso Vidyanand Swami ai sensi dell’art. 118 co. 3 lett. a) c.p.i.;
    b) inibisce alla convenuta l’uso dei marchi “YOGA ALLIANCE” e YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL YAI yoga India, come sopra identificati, direttamente o indirettamente, in ogni forma e modo, nonché la produzione, importazione ed esportazione, commercializzazione, distribuzione, promozione commerciale, pubblicizzazione e ogni altra attività avente ad oggetto detti marchi in violazione dei diritti dell’attrice;
    c) fissa la penale di € 1.000,00 per ogni giorno di ritardo nell’esecuzione della sentenza;
    d) ordina la pubblicazione del dispositivo della sentenza, a cura degli attori e a spese della convenuta, per 30 giorni, in lingua inglese e in lingua italiana, in grassetto e a caratteri doppi rispetto al normale, entro 30 giorni dalla pubblicazione della sentenza sulla home page dei seguenti siti internet:
    e) condanna Yoga Alliance Pty Ltd a rifondere agli attori le spese di lite, liquidate in € 1.063,00 per esborsi e in complessivi € 14.000,00 per compensi, oltre 15%, a titolo di rimborso forfetario, e oneri di legge;
    f) manda alla cancelleria di comunicare il presente provvedimento all’Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi.
    Così deciso in Milano, il 18 gennaio 2024

Yoga Alliance International (YAI) is a network of dedicated, like-minded people and institutions devoted to the cause of authentic Yoga. Get the latest information about Authentic Yoga Teachers in Europe and other parts of the world. Gain insights into Yoga and find out where you can learn authentic Yoga to apply Yogic techniques to the complex problems faced by modern man. Connect with Yoga Teachers from across traditions.

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